Mr. Mohamed Abdillahi Duale, the Director General of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, of the Republic of Somaliland attended the Kampala Geopolitics Conference in Kampala, Uganda.

Mr. Mohamed Abdillahi Duale, the Director General of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, of the Republic of Somaliland attended the Kampala Geopolitics Conference in Kampala, Uganda.
This regional conference took place at Makerere University Kampala from October 17th to 18th. The event was organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) in collaboration with the-
Embassy of France,Makerere University, UN Women, the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), and Alliance Française Kampala.

The Kampala Geopolitics Conference (KGC) is a two-day academic gathering that delves into current geopolitical questions and trends. Notable figures,
including experts from Eastern Africa and Europe, as well as thought leaders and policy experts from around the world, participated in engaging and participatory debates.

Director General Duale actively participated in a panel discussion focused on East Africa within the context of the "Indo Pacific Theatre.
" During this session, he delivered a speech highlighting Somaliland's role in Red Sea and Indo-Pacific affairs. Additionally, he addressed the environmental challenges specific to Somaliland's marine environment