Climate change is expected to increase the surface temperature of the Earth and the oceans, raise sea levels, alter the global distribution of rainfall, affect the direction of ocean currents and major airstreams, and increase the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Moreover, Climate change is affecting ecosystems at multiple scales. In Somaliland, adverse impacts of climate change include recurrent droughts, increased biodiversity loss, species migration and encroachment of invasive plants, increased rural-urban migration, changes in the vegetation types, soil fertility loss, land degradation and increased infestation of crops by pests and diseases and increased health risks
Frequent recurrence of droughts are reducing livestock numbers, causing the depletion of water sources; decreasing agricultural yields, and causing an overall decline in both livestock and agricultural production. As natural disaster and the impact of climate change and environmental damage becomes more severe and frequent, there is a need to find a coherent strategy to combat the impacts of climate change and reduce the vulnerability of farmers and pastoralists and improve the nation’s overall resilience to the effects of climate change and environmental safeguards.
the Government of Somaliland (GoSL) recognizes that the impacts of climate change have serious implications for the country as more than seventy percent of the people of Somaliland heavily depend on narrow natural resource-based economy (pastoralism and rain-fed agriculture) and other services derived from a very fragile ecosystem. Climate Change and Environment Safeguards Department provides policy guidance, coordination, strategies, and supervision and advises on issues relating to the climate change and environmental safeguards, their interpretation, application and implications. It provides coordination between the Ministry and various agencies, regional and international bodies on environmental matters. Moreover, Environmental safeguards set out the scope and implementation of modalities for identifying and avoiding or mitigating environmental and social problems. The environmental challenges exacerbated by climate change, include, deforestation, water scarcity, soil erosion, recurrent droughts, environmental and animal diversity, unsustainable fishing practices, pollution.
Department of Climate Change and Environmental Safeguards is fully responsible for Safeguards, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the environment; the prevention and control of pollution; and promotion of sustainable development and climate change adaptation strategies in the country.
Core Functions of the Department
The Core functions of the department is to:
1. Coordinate with private sector, intergovernmental organization and government agencies, on-governmental organization and community base organization on issues related to climate change and environmental safeguards.
2. Provide mechanisms for, and facilitate climate change research and development, training and capacity building for the stakeholders.
3. Conduct regular environmental inspections.
4. Monitor and supervise environmental issues.
5. Environmental/ensures integration of environmental consideration in plans, program and project of other agencies
6. Integrate and review guidelines on environmental management.
7. Coordinate environmental impact assessment and environmental audit review.
8. Develop a strategy for mainstreaming of climate change policy so as to ensure policy adaptation across all sectors.
9. Takes measures to promote research and development of science and technology which may contribute to the protection of the environment and sustainable development.
10. Prepare progress reports and information bulletin for information dissemination.
The Vision of the Department is a roadmap for prevention of the climate change impacts in ways that will promote communities safer with economic stabilities and environmental safeguards. Mission Our mission is to enable sustainable and friendly environmental programs that develop the wellbeing of the communities both in the present and the future generation.
Objectives The objectives of the department is:
To strengthen and promote sustainable environmental management programs based on climate change impacts and environmental safeguards, with the coordination all stakeholders.
Our mission is to enable sustainable and friendly environmental programs that develop the wellbeing of the communities both in the present and the future generation.