Wildlife and Parks 
The Department of will support the minister in all aspects of Wildlife and Parks conservation for the Ministry. The Director will be responsible for the supervision of the sections in this department. The proposed functions of the Department will be: 

  • To be responsible for the identification and mapping of protected areas deemed necessary to facilitate the ongoing conservation and recovery of the wildlife population in Somaliland.
  • To maintain a protected species listed with all relevant national and international regulations and protocols in this regard.
  • Administration and regulation of parks and sanctuaries,
  • Formulation of sound Policy, strategies and programmes for park conservation
  • Issue and administer all types of wildlife parks, conservancies and sanctuaries  user rights and trading licenses
  • Promotion of participation of stakeholders in conservation and sustainable utilization of wildlife parks and sanctuaries,
  • To be responsible for the establishment and implementation of the necessary programs to ensure effective protection of wildlife in GoSL in a manner that is consistent existing and emerging legislation, international commitments and protocols.
  • To work with regional coordinators, rural communities, other line ministries and all other relevant stakeholders to identify how best to protect wildlife and to continuously develop, monitor and evaluate MoERD activities in these areas. 
  • To draft recommendations and proposals on how best to improve the protection of wildlife and to address specific issues in relation to such matters as illegal trade and poaching.
  • Administration and regulation of wildlife and wetlands laws.