
The Department of Policy Planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation will support the minister in all aspects of Policy planning, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation and management of information systems for the Ministry. The Director will be responsible for the supervision of the sections in this department. The proposed functions of the Department of Planning will be:

  • To lead the process of drafting environmental policy and supporting legislation for consideration by government.
  • To work with the Minister, the Director General and other internal and external ministerial colleagues to formulation effective strategies for the effective implementation of environmental policy in GoSL.
  • Formulate Environment Awareness and promotion Strategy for the Ministry and its implementation and periodic review
  • Lead and Advocate for the development of the environmental related policies
  • Conduct Review on research done by MoECC and its partners
  • Conduct monitoring and evaluation to programs by the ministry
  • Compile and Prepare of quarter and monthly reports
  • Develop M & E implementation strategies  and reporting mechanisms
  • To plan and execute research activities aimed at generating the necessary evidential basis for policy formulation within the environment sector.
  • To establish the necessary data and information management processes to underpin environmental programs and projects.
  • Develop and ensure implementation of procedures and guidelines to safeguard the quality of research data during production, collation and processing, storage and retrieval, protecting certified statistics of the organization from being tampered with
  • Ensure timely compilation and distribution of research data relevant directorates/departments, and to the management team of the organization
  • Maintain a database containing analytical results and associated information from environmental sampling program
  • Maintain the GIS database containing geospatial information about Government of Somaliland and its environmental surveillance, compliance, and remediation efforts.
  • Provide support functions to include technical data entry and documentation, data verification and validation, system hardware and software administration, and cyber security